Words become powerful by Covid

Words become powerful by Covid

Here some of the words become powerful and used again and again in our daily life, cause of COVID


In 2020, the number of subscriptions for video-on-demand platforms reached 57 million, according to a report by Media Partners Asia. By the end of this year, the number of video OTT subscriptions will reach 89 million.

It is estimated that SVOD platforms in India including Netflix, Amazon Prime Video, ZEE5, ALT Balaji have around 4.6 million, 18 million, 1.8 million and 1.7 million paid subscribers, respectively.
And Amazon Prime Video and Netflix’s subscribers are estimated to increase to 21.8 million and 5.5 million subscribers by end of 2021.

Words become powerful by Covid
WFH(Work From Home)

The COVID-19 pandemic has altered every aspect of our work and life. In response to the national and local containment policies, companies, organizations and institutions encouraged their employees to work remotely at home to stay safe.

Work from home (WFH) emerged in the early 2000s when telecommuting technologies started to develop and workers could WFH to avoid commuting, provide flexibility in schedules, and achieve a better work-life balance. During the COVID-19 pandemic, many workers were advised to WFH full time, which redefined the conventional concept of WFH that was typical only for certain types of work, on an occasional basis, or given unique employee circumstances.

Many companies believe that WFH will become more common after the pandemic due to the fact that employers have already paid the fixed cost to set up remote work systems for their employees. Companies are now determining if operational costs could be dramatically decreased by reducing the required office space.

Online Class

The online survey conducted by Learning Spiral showed that children faced a combination of issues in accessing education digitally.

The dominant mode of delivering education is WhatsApp which is used by 75% followed by phone calls between the teacher and the student which is 38%. The private schools have ‘delivered’ education, with their dependence on WhatsApp as the primary mode of delivery.

In addition to the pedagogical issues with the use of WhatsApp, access continues to be an issue – Over 75% of children reported a host of challenges to access education digitally including not having an internet connection, being unable to afford data, Internet speed/signal is not conducive.

The students have reported internet speed and signal as the main hindrances in accessing online learning. Despite challenges in accessing education digitally, not a single instance of education through non-digital mediums was reported.

Due to the continued reliance on digital modes and the interrupted access to education, it is estimated that children from disadvantaged backgrounds will lose almost 40% of their previous year’s learning. 3 out of every 4 students faced challenges to access education.

The Studies are countinus with online class by Omicron virus


If you are within the limits of your home, do not leave unless it is necessary. Do not attend functions, schools, churches or temples.

Pets can stay: There is no evidence that Coronavirus can spread to your pets. However, it is advised to avoid petting, snuggling or cuddling with your pet if you have been exposed to COVID-19.

Do not share: Keep your plates, glasses, cups, spoons, towels, and bedding separate. Do not swap any of these items unwashed.

Frequent hand washing is a must: Hygiene is a very integral part of a quarantine. Wash your hands for twenty seconds with soap and water frequently. Use your elbow to cough or sneeze into or use a tissue and immediately throw it in a covered dustbin.

Stay calm: While it is natural to feel anxious and scared, being educated about your situation is a great way to combat anxiety.

Follow instructions and co-operate with the authorities: Following the quarantine process and other public health mandates play a big role in preventing and slowing the spread of contagious diseases.

Being cooped up indoors may seem unbearable, but remember that your actions are helping save the lives of many people.

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