About Birds and Bird watching

Birds are absolutely amazing creature that exists in this world. Bird watching is something that brings peace to our minds and body. In this article, you will get to know why it is important to know about birds and how to practice bird watching. I wanted to write on this topic because recently on the occasion of world’s sparrow day (On March 20th, 2021) I went for a campaign and got a chance to visit the forest and experienced nature’s sound, and also, have got to know a lot about Birds, especially how to identify and count birds and how to exactly practice Bird watching.

This generation of youngsters and kids absolutely need to know the species of birds that habit in our surroundings.

Why should you know about Birds?

Birds play an important role in the effective functioning of the Ecosystem, as you all knew birds take the seeds with them and disperse them through their droppings. They have helped us a lot to keep our surroundings green. Birds could be the one major reason for all the plants and trees which we see in the environment.

So, you have known the importance of birds. Now let’s understand how important it is to know about the birds that habitat in and around us. Will you be unaware of people who are living around you? Will you be unaware of your neighbour? It is as important as that. It is not that I am saying we have to completely know all about birds that habit around us, no. Just a little knowledge of the species and their names and would be absolutely great. In this way, we could provide at least 25% of contribution to stop and control bird extinction.

What is Bird Watching?

Birdwatching is an adventure practice of observing birds and it helps you to connect with nature. Binoculars and Telescopes are the two devices used during this activity. Professional Birdwatchers prefer to use these devices but people can do it with the naked eye where ever you visit or even on your terrace. Birdwatching absolutely brings peace to our minds. Birdwatching is just observing the birds that you see around. In most scenarios, birds are identified by sound than by sight.

How to watch and identify birds?

Birds are generally identified with their colour pattern, sounds, size, shapes, and habitat. Generally, if you’re going somewhere with your friends or family to tourist spots, try to practice bird watching for some time. Note the observations you have made on your mobile or notepad.

For example, if you’re planning for trekking and if you want to enjoy the adventure of birdwatching, have a note pad with you, first note down the basic information like the location where you practice, date, start time, end time, duration, distance, the number of observers, Travelling or stationary. And then take a checklist of all the birds that you see, take the count of the birds that you saw, and try to identify the species by carefully watching its colour, behaviour, size, sound, shape, its habitat, and then come home research to know its name when you get time.
You could also submit your observations in an online source. Do follow and the mentioned websites below to know a lot about birds.

1. Birdwatching and monitoring



2. Reference images of Birds


Fact’s session!

  1. The golden eagle (Aquila chrysaetos) is the king of the skies
  2. There are about 10500+ species of birds found in the world.