James Webb-First Images of the powerful Telescope

James Webb – The World’s first powerful and most significant space telescope JSWT was launched in December 2021. The first colour images from James Webb were released to the public by NASA through a press conference on July 11th 2022 and all the images were officially released on July 12th 2022. NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope has sent the sharpest […]

Ab Initio Interview Questions and Answers

What is Ab Initio? Ab Initio is an ETL tool ( Extract, Transact and Load) used for data analysis, manipulation, processing, and batch processing. The word “Abinitio” is written as “Ab Initio” and is a Latin word meaning “from the beginning”. It is a graphical user interface-based parallel processing tool. 2. What are the essential GDE components in Ab Initio? […]

Whatsapp New Privacy Features

On 19th June 2022, Whatsapp’s New Privacy Features update was made available on the Playstore. In this post, you can easily get to know all the Whatsapp New Privacy Features. Whatsapp New Privacy Features List This is the path of Privacy Features Menu->Setting->Account->Privacy. There you can take control of the listed features below Last seen Mute people in a group […]

Robots to help passengers at Coimbatore Airport

After Bangalore, for the first time in Tamilnadu two AI-Driven Robots are launched to serve and assist passengers at Coimbatore Airport. The Robots are now in the trial stage for a period of six months. Coimbatore Airport has partnered with “Temi”, the multinational robotic company. Currently, they planned and introduced two robots that will be functional each at the arrival […]

How to cope with stress management in modern society?

Stress management in simple terms means is the technique used to cope or deal with stress to live life happily. Stress is generally termed as a twentieth-century syndrome, born out of man’s race towards modern progress and its ensuring complexities. As we all know that stress occurs based on an individual’s situational factors. Stress produces numerous health and mental disorder […]

Bootstrap vs tailwind CSS. Which is better?

We are going to know about the best front-end framework that best suits for you. Let’s go with a small introduction on both Bootstrap and Tailwind CSS before the comparison. If you are well known in front-end you can directly skip to comparison or to conclusion of the post. What is Bootstrap? Bootstrap is one of the most popular front-end […]

The collapse of Pondicherry Iconic old Pier

The Union Territory of Pondicherry has a coastline of 45 km and a continental shelf of 675 sq./kms. Pondicherry was historically known as Putucceri, the union territory originated from the Tamil words Putu (“new”) and Ceri (“village”). The French had this changed to Pondichéry until 2006 when it got its original name ‘Puducherry’ back.

why facebook down on market

Facebook down 26% on stock Market The following chart shows the big facebook down on the stock market for 5m What is Facebook? Facebook is an online social media and networking website that allows its registered users to create profiles, upload photos and videos, send messages and keep in touch with friends, family and colleagues. Facebook, along with its family […]

What is BGP?

Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) is the postal service of the Internet. When someone drops a letter into a mailbox, the Postal Service processes that piece of mail and chooses a fast, efficient route to deliver that letter to its recipient. Similarly, when someone submits data via the Internet, BGP is responsible for looking at all of the available paths that […]

Republic Day Parade

The Delhi Republic Day parade is the largest and most important of the parades marking the Republic Day celebrations in India. The Republic Day of India is celebrated to commemorate the occasion when the Consitution was formed in 1950. This day marks the date on which the Constituent Assembly of India formally adopted the Constitution of India especially drafted and designed Constitution of India was enforced by […]