New Features that Whatsapp plans to release

New Features that Whatsapp plans to release

Meta’s Founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg announces new privacy features for Whatsapp users. He also said “We’ll keep building new ways to protect your messages and keep them as private and secure as face-to-face conversations”

Head of the product at Whatsapp said “At WhatsApp, we’re focused on building product features that empower people to have more control and privacy over their messages. Over the years, we’ve added interlocking layers of protection to help keep their conversations secure, and the new features is one way we continue to deliver on our commitment to keep messages private”

The features are planned to roll out later this month starting in the UK. The following below are the planned features:-

Whatapp allows users to hide their online status and control who can see themself

Earlier users were only allowed to hide their last seen and status. Recently, users were allowed to hide profile pictures as well to selected contacts. In addition to that whatsapp now lets users to hide and control their online status as well.

Users can now leave the whatsapp group silently

The so called chat bubble which says “XXX left the group” is no more. Users can now silently leave the group without having to notify the rest of the members in the group. Only admins would be notified on the same when someone leaves the group.

Taking screenshots is restricted from “view once messages” feature

“View once messages” feature is now made powerful by adding the feature that restricts users to take screeshot. Isn’t it a added layer of protection?

Users can delete their messages within 2 days

Earlier Whatsapp had strict time limit to delete meesages that has been sent already. Now whatsapp lets user to delete messages even after 2 days. Earlier you could only do so under 1 hour 8 minutes and 16 second. TechCrunch says now the limit is approximately 2 days and 12 hours i.e 60 hours.

Whatsapp allows Group admins to delete messages for everyone

Admin can essentially keep the group better moderated with this feature. Admins are allowed to delete the text message for everyone sent from any of the group members within a group. Yet the chat bubble lets member of the group identify that admin have deleted message sent by the participant.

Chatbot to deliver in app announcements

Whatsapp is working on providing a chatbot that will deliver in app announcements for new features within the application. This feature is currently under testing for android.

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In addition, Whatsapp beta for android is said to include the below features, which are still under development and yet to be officially announced.

  1. Whatsapp might let users hide numbers from specific communities.
  2. Whatsapp is working on a “login approval feature” which protects users from malicious login. In this feature, the User might receive alerts inside WhatsApp when a suspicious login is detected from a different device.
  3. Quick emoji reaction features to the status which was already rolled out for text messages.
  4. Redesigned gallery view
  5. Whatsapp to tie up with licensed financial service players and roll out health insurance and micro-pension products in India.
  6. It is expected to bring Instagram reels support to Whatsapp
  7. Whatsapp also brings several updates to make chats more convenient for users.

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