10 idioms to use in daily conversation.

Idioms make your day-to-day conversation easier and in an understandable way. Idioms cut shorts the completed sentences into a single statement. Here are a few idioms that you can use in daily conversation with your friends or family or whomever you converse with. A list of Idioms for daily use. Walk in the park – Too easy Cream of the […]

10 different ways to say “Stop it”.

Updating and up-gradation in anything are important. Why not in your communication? I mean why to often use the most common word or sentences, practice using different ways of the same sentences or words that you come across in day-to-day life. Give a rest to the common word “Stop it”.Here are the few sentences that you use instead of “Stop […]

12 different ways to say “No”

The word “No” in English means an act or instance of refusing or denying. No can be used in many different ways.No can be used as an exclamation word to express rejection which gives force to the negative sentences or statements. Below are the different ways to use the word “No”, respectfully and politely. A list of sentences to use […]