Long distance relationship tips to spice up nostalgic feelings

Long-distance relationships have a 58% success rate as per new research.

Relationships are special, but long-term long-distance relationships are super special and beautiful. People who have married after a long wait are meant to be happy forever. Sometimes in long-distance we tend to lose hope, we feel nostalgic, but those feeling would increase the love you have for each other. So sometimes it is better to feel that way.

There are a lot of reasons to be happy or you can make your long-term long-distance relationship spicy by following the below tips.

Tips to make your long-term long-distance relationship way better than it was before.

1. Play Couples Games

You could play couples games even being physically apart. here is this game called “Desire” which I and my bf would love to play. This couple game has a daily quiz regarding relationships which brings us even closer in our relationship and helps us to stay connected always. This application played a major role in our love life. Try playing such couples games, you might not miss each other often.

2. Both Upskill yourself

Help your partner, both of them talk, and schedule a time where you can spend time to upskill your knowledge as well as a cute conversation in between help not only with the healthy relationship but also in finding your area of interest.   

3. Respect each other’s personal space 

 Respect each other’s personal space and personal life. Give time for each other to live their own life, It’s not that people have to be in contact 24/7 when you’re in long-distance. You need to wait and give the space that is needed which literally keeps your relationship healthier. 

4. Spend Quality time

Once a week or twice a week, make a video call and talk to each other as if you were together in reality which brings each other closer and you would not miss each other. The week of work stress might disappear the moment you both see each other.

5. Plan for meet-up

Plan for meet-ups and try to execute them, If possible plan for surprise meetings which would be super special for both of you. You would be happy and eagerly await to see your partner’s reactions if you were the one to meet them surprisingly. 

6. Set a common goal 

Even if you’re physically apart it is possible to keep your connection alive if you set targets or goals in your life, which would urge you to go towards it and you both would work for it and achieve it.

7. Understand bad moods 

Sometimes yes if you’re in a bad mood or your partner in a bad mood, it is possible to ruin your relationship in long-distance, this is when the concept of maturity and understanding comes in. Do try to understand each other’s bad moods and try to make each other get rid of them.

8. Be playful and humourous

Arguments and fights are allowed until and unless it gets sorted out in a day or in a week. Unnecessary fights and arguments can be avoided if at least any one of you has a good humour sense. Humour sense matters a lot between couples.

9. Compliment each other

Try to make each other feel special every day, A good compliment would boost each other’s day.

10. Behave more like friends 

Listen to your partner’s advice, stories (might be boring) still communicate like friends rather than a partner. Motivate each other when one feels low. 

Do Check out our other posts 

How to stay motivated always: https://steronpot.com/how-to-stay-motivated-always/


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