Entrepreneur, 4 ways that help you grow as a Creative entrepreneur

Entrepreneur, 4 ways that help you grow as a Creative entrepreneur

An entrepreneur is an Individual who starts up their own business.

What is entrepreneurship?

Entrepreneurship is the process by which individuals or a group of individuals (entrepreneurs) exploit a commercial opportunity, either by bringing a new product or process to the market, or by substantially improving an existing good, service, or method of production. An Example of entrepreneurship is a  person who is running his own business.

Who is an Entrepreneur?

Successful entrepreneurs have a sense of curiosity that allows them to continuously seek new opportunities rather than settling for what they think they know, curious entrepreneurs ask challenging questions and explore different avenues.

4 ways that help you grow as a Creative ENTREPRENEUR,

Three different types of entrepreneurs.

  1. Creator
  2. Builder
  3. Operator


  • Full of enthusiasm for a specific product or idea.
  • Has a brilliant and creative mind and is constantly spinning with new ideas.
  • Often has ideas for several different types of companies.
  • May not easily focus on one project at a time and may get bored with just one.


  • Takes a credible idea or product and builds a company around it.
  • Has the ability to grow the business often a very good salesperson.
  • Motivates employees to push the growth of the business.
  • Gets great satisfaction in the thrill of the hunt and watching the company grow.


  • Gets the company organized by putting processes and procedures in place.
  • Is often detail-oriented to find improvements to be made in the company.
  • Keeps things focused and on track with long-term growth goals in mind.


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