20 tips that make your quarantine life productive.

This article contains 20 points which help you to spend your quarantine life productively. We have always been wanting for a long leave during our school days, whenever we get annual holidays for about 2 months but It wouldn’t be literally enough for us, we would still be expecting the holidays to continue. But due to the corona pandemic situation, we have got our days on hand. Stay safe and stay home is all I wanted to say, also stay productive at home. So here are the few tips to spend your quarantine life productively.

1. Wake up earlier and start the practice of yoga.

2. Drink a lot of water and eat 4 to 5 soaked almonds, walnuts.

3. Take a bath regularly.

4. Prepare a healthy breakfast and serve your family.

5. Pamper yourself regularly for example by following a proper skincare routine.

6. Reading books when you’re in quarantine not only keeps you productive, also keeps you engaged and helps you in many ways.

7. Have a habit of knowing something of your interest every day. Example If you want to improve your communication skill, start knowing one idiom a day, one vocabulary a day and frame a sentence and practice it.

8. Create your own blog based on your interest.

9. Have some protein-rich food for your lunch.

10. Play indoor games with your family.

11. Have a valuable con call with your friends.

12. Gardening keeps you alive, Water your plants regularly.

13. Prefer for terrace walk.

14. Get to know your talents, Try DIY at home.

15. If you’re a social media person, experiment with it rather than just connecting with your friends for fun, make it interesting by using those handles effectively and worthily.

16. Listen to music whenever you feel bored.

17. Pamper your body once a week, give yourself a facial, massage or whatever you prefer.

18. Learn a skill to upskill yourself.

19. Motivate yourself to stay positive, do not get panic from knowing the corona cases or related news while you’re in quarantine.

20. Have a delicious dinner and go to bed earlier. Practice a good sleep cycle.

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